Friday, March 5, 2010

Apple day and Trees

We are all aware of the importance of proper nutrition and how rich an apple is with vitamins and  I was well aware that Apple Day is held on the 21st October each year in UK but that doesn't stop me from introducing it in my school last month. Thus Fingertips Apple Day was celebrated on the 27th January with a good response from the children.

Come 27th January, every child arrived proudly in school with an apple in their hand ( or some who came in with more than half a dozen).  Red apple, green apple, pink apple, big and small apples over-flowed our basket.

We begun our very first activity which was of course, apple tasting. We wanted the children to know that even though these apples have the same colour but they do tastes a little different. By end of the week, the children were able to describe the apple as " sweet, juicy and crunchy".


For the development in mathematical area, the Toddlers did counting with the apples. Besides counting, they also did sorting leaves into their respective groups. These activities indirectly will improve on their hand-to-eye coordination as well as concentration skills.
For the kindergartners, we learnt about whole, half and quarter of an apple.


We decorated the theme board in the Toddlers' room.  The toddlers' were also exposed to various type of material such as apple stamping, leaf rubbing and bark rubbing.

In one of our many Learning Circle, we discussed about the three necessity for any tree (apple tree) to grow; water, soil and sunlight. We also stressed on the importance of having trees around us; that they provide us with oksigen, provides us shades and many more. 

In science, we introduced parts of an apple using 3-Period Lesson. These consists of stem, core, seed, skin and meat. By end of the week, most of the children were able to match the parts of the apple with the label.

The best part of the whole Apple Day week was the games that we played. We had apple hunt, pass-the-apple as well as apple bobbing.



Johnny Appleseed was introduced during our Story Sessions. We also read a book by A.H. Benjamin "Little Mouse and the Big Red Apple". It is a story about how this Little Mouse found a big red apple. With the help of his friends, he's finally able to bring the apple to his house and enjoyed it. So...did he get to enjoy the apple? Well....I guess you have to do the reading yourself or maybe ask one of our students??

It was a shame that Apple week passed so quickly when we could have more interesting activities for the children to explore. Need not worry as I'll be introducing this topic again in the near future.