Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mothers' Day

We all love our mum. This year we decorated special home-made cupcakes for mum and also made a simple but a beautiful card to go with the cup cakes. The toddlers' group also made a hand print photo frame ( a big thank you for the parents who brought their family photo).
The children were so excited and brought varieties of toppings to decorate the cup cakes. Among them were chocolate chips, M&M's, colored rice, jelly beans and many more. They have had a wonderful time ( trust me...the cupcakes turned out so pretty but the whole room was erm....very messy and sticky!).
Lastly,I hope all mothers' enjoyed their cupcakes specially made for them and have had a lovely mothers' day.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Saint Patrick's Day

On March 17, we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day with the children. We had allocated a whole week to introduce to the children about this celebration.
 During our learning circle sessions, we talked about the origins of this celebration and they were introduced to Saint Patrick, shamrock, leprechaun and of course the colour; green. We also printed out some pictures and paste it on a paper with a few lines of descriptions, which were then be mounted . These frieze cards were then tack on the wall ( within childrens' height) for easier access to the children. 
For craft work, we made a pot of gold. An empty glass jar was painted in green by the children which were then filled with gold choco coins. They then present the jar to their friends. Besides that, we also painted shamrock and leprechaun. 
The highlights of this day was when we all wore green !!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


"Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping along the bunny trail...." Easter was our curriculum theme that we explored in March. Before I elaborate further on this exciting theme, I'd like  to welcome 3 new students to Fingertips. They are Jie Ling, Zekai and Siew Bing. Welcome !

Through planned learning experiences, the children  learnt Easter customs such as Easter bunny, Easter basket and many more.

Both bulletin board were decorated. The toddlers' bulletin board was decorated with Easter bunny and Easter baskets filled with decorated eggs. Meanwhile for Pre-schools' bulletin board, we had colourful eggs hung from a tree. 

To recall our Easter celebrations that we had in the past was egg decorating. We have been helping the children to decorate their eggs in school and then to take home. Thus this year for a change, we have decided to let the children decorate their eggs with their parents at home. The result that we got was egg-cellent !! Just look at the photos and you will be amazed how creative and adventurous the parents are. We will definitely do this again next year.

We also planned cooking activity for the children. We came across lots of recipe which children would find too difficult to follow. In the end, I came across a recipe by Nigella Lawson ( yes the kitchen goddess) which is quite similar to this. The children mixed the cornflakes with the melted chocolate, which was then shaped into a nest shape. Once hardened, they places a few eggs ( candy) into it. Voila! 

One of the most exciting learning experiences planned to reinforce concepts of Easter was the Easter egg hunt. Hollow egg shells were decorated and then hidden outdoor for the children to find. The children were so excited and has been looking forward for this hunt. The older students has been helping out in decorating the eggs and before the hunt began, all decorated eggs were hidden outdoors-everywhere. However, we have been careful not to make the location too difficult to retrieve. When the hunt was over, goodies bag were given to all the students irregardless of how many eggs they have collected.